
New Start

Sorry, I failed to post something in March but in my defense, things were on this side of crazy in the 3rd month of this year (and really, who even reads this thing still?). Now that the new school year is starting, things will hopefully become a little less insane (once I settle into a new routine/schedule). Things have been crazy at work, as you can imagine but for the most part it wasn't a bad kind of crazy. Just busy. But the schedule will change and hopefully that will lessen the burden a bit. I'm trying to be positive here. But I have the feeling that by Saturday night I will sit here like "OH GOD I HATE IT" lol. Yeah so much for being optimistic. I guess I just can't do it. Health wise things have been...kind of bad, I guess? I sprained my knee a few weeks ago and boy has it pulled a number on me. I can't exercise yet (can't even walk properly quite yet...stairs suck) and so I'm putting on weight ... weight I should really be losing because of m...

Is a dream a wish your heart makes?

Hello February. I've been wanting to blog again sooner but shit's been going down. I'm sad to say that I've started 2022 in a very terrible way and I have not had a single "good" day in this year so far and it's been almost two months now. My mum told me to be positive and to think about it as "it's ONLY been two months" but still. Things have been pretty miserable. I won't go too much into detail about that, though because there is something else I'd like to write about. It's got something to do with dreams. Or actually, one particular dream I had a the beginning of January. I had a crazy prophetic dream the beginning of February and it's kind of ... creepy. And ever since I've had smaller episodes of being able to predict things or seeing other shorter dreams or visions of something happening and then it happened in real life. Granted, for the past week it hasn't happened anymore so maybe whatever it was has worn off...

Happy New Year

Goodbye 2021 Hello 2022 Happy New Year to those of you out there who still read this blog. I hope you made it into the year of the Tiger safe and sound. Here's hoping we'll have a decent year this year. I'm not getting my hopes up for too much but a little bit more normalcy would be much appreciated. Or really, just the travel situation. If that were resolved I'd be a way happier person already. I'm starting to feel a little anxious about by visa renewal which I have to do this month. And also this year will be the 4th in which I haven't seen my family in person if things continue like this... Sigh. I blame the hormones and everything but I feel like ever since the new year started my thoughts have been nothing but negative most of the time. I get irritated at everything and everyone (including myself) and it's a little hard to deal with at times. I do have to get my shit back together, though because I start work again tomorrow (Jan 4th). Wish we had the re...

Another Year

Whey~ My Birthday is almost over at this point but hey. It's been a good day! Right now I'm typing this while I chat with my mum (listening to her rant right now lol). I had a good day. I got to do something really fun and I met some cool people :) I stepped out of my comfort zone and I think it turned out pretty nice? We'll see (wow I just wrote many words that said a whole lot of nothing... ahaha). Okay well, I got some professional photos taken. A complete makeover. Cost me a pretty penny but no regrets.  The story behind this is that my family was saying that they don't really have pictures of me (current ones and well, I haven't been home in 3 years...) and well, I don't really like pictures of myself usually (the ones I take to let my family know I'm still alive are like super shitty selfies lol). So...why not get some nice pictures taken? But...I don't want to see or be myself. So... I took pictures of myself as not myself. Does that make sense? l...

Oops I meant to write a post in November...and I guess I'll barely make it but damn it how has it been a month since the last post. I really fail at this ^^; Just a quick life update. I changed schools and man I am so much happier than I was before. \o/ So life's been pretty good and I've been busy in a good way, I guess? There has been some stuff I might want to write more about here one of these days but uh... maybe during the winter vacation ^^;; Sorry for this crappy short post. Ranty Rant in the next one again :< lol

Happy Halloween

And happy end of Blogtober. I pretty much failed this year, I guess. I tried but...ahaha. Better luck next time. I guess I'll just try to keep blogging whenever I can and feel like it. So expect the same pace as before, 1 blog post a month. So yeah, Halloween 2021 is over and with it, October. It's kind of weird to think about the fact that this year will be over in about 2 months. It felt both fast and slow at the same time. Time is weird. The picture is a set of cookies I got from a student. His wife takes lessons at that bakery. Super cute and the cookies tasted really good, too! Which is not always a given with the decorated stuff. So yay! What really made today a happy day, though, is the fact that is was my last regular work Sunday! No more shitty kids. At least at this school. Hope the new one will be better *knocks on wood* It feels so good. I'm so happy. I'm just gonna roll around. Speaking of happy, one of my adult students gave me this calligraphy. She did it...

insert a bunch of swearwords here

Hello. It's been a while. I just haven't had any energy to write nor have I really had anything to write about. Fun fact, Blogtober is over in a week. Other fun fact, my personal hell will also hopefully be over in a week. I can't wait. Today was my regular scheduled hospital day. It went okay. You win some you lose some, right? Both doctor and I can't wait for my schedule to be less of a f---k up so that I can go back to getting things under control and focusing on my health. Numbers were mixed this month, too. I tried, I really did but it just wasn't happening with how things are. On top of it, I started my period today, so in terms of checking my body weight, this is the worst day all month because this is when I'm at my heaviest with all the water and other gunk having collected in my body. On some days the 'thought' of getting a sex-change becomes oh so tempting and maybe more than a thought but a consideration. Seriously. But I hate pain so... *chi...