Happy New Year

Goodbye 2021

Hello 2022

Happy New Year to those of you out there who still read this blog. I hope you made it into the year of the Tiger safe and sound. Here's hoping we'll have a decent year this year. I'm not getting my hopes up for too much but a little bit more normalcy would be much appreciated.

Or really, just the travel situation. If that were resolved I'd be a way happier person already. I'm starting to feel a little anxious about by visa renewal which I have to do this month. And also this year will be the 4th in which I haven't seen my family in person if things continue like this...

Sigh. I blame the hormones and everything but I feel like ever since the new year started my thoughts have been nothing but negative most of the time. I get irritated at everything and everyone (including myself) and it's a little hard to deal with at times. I do have to get my shit back together, though because I start work again tomorrow (Jan 4th). Wish we had the rest of the week off but Japan doesn't really do holiday periods that are longer than a week. Hah.

Anyway, I hope you'll all stay safe and healthy this year. See you in the next entry.


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