insert a bunch of swearwords here

Hello. It's been a while.

I just haven't had any energy to write nor have I really had anything to write about. Fun fact, Blogtober is over in a week. Other fun fact, my personal hell will also hopefully be over in a week. I can't wait.

Today was my regular scheduled hospital day. It went okay. You win some you lose some, right?

Both doctor and I can't wait for my schedule to be less of a f---k up so that I can go back to getting things under control and focusing on my health. Numbers were mixed this month, too. I tried, I really did but it just wasn't happening with how things are. On top of it, I started my period today, so in terms of checking my body weight, this is the worst day all month because this is when I'm at my heaviest with all the water and other gunk having collected in my body.

On some days the 'thought' of getting a sex-change becomes oh so tempting and maybe more than a thought but a consideration. Seriously. But I hate pain so... *chicken*

Bún bò Huế - Spicy Beef Noodle Soup and appetizers (Gỏi cuốn)

After the hospital visit, I went to treat myself to something nice as a reward and as some sort of comfort. At least this is the kind of food that I can have guilt free. Okay, almost.
With the pandemic and everything, I hadn't been to the restaurant in a while, so I was happy to see they changed their menu quite a bit! There is more stuff now (I am excited) and there are FINALLY more lunch sets to choose from! I've wanted to have this stuff in a set for AGES. And well, with some Vietnamese language-fu and stuff, I was able to get it off-menu before but I guess it was a popular request, so why not cash in on it and make it available for everyone?

Lychee Anindofu, Mango Pudding and Chè with sweet potatoes

Also got dessert with the set. Fun fact, you're supposed to get 1 out of 3. How did I end up with all three? Let's just say I talked in Vietnamese to the nice auntie who was waiting my table and magic happens. I also got a discount again (this is a Vietnamese culture thing, I swear lol).

After lunch I walked around the area a bit and had a look at some stuff. Then I did some retail therapy and got myself 2 new tops, which are both good for work and to wear outside of work. Wooh. Since tomorrow is looking like it's gonna rain in the early hours of the day, I'll be using that time to figure out Halloween costume stuff before I start my 1 week of Halloween at work. And then once the weather clears up I might venture out and figure out anything that still needs figuring out about the costumes.

... and maybe get some two-sided poster tape from the 100 yen shop to put up my half-naked Tul poster, which a friend gave me as a surprise present a few weeks back lol


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