New Start

Sorry, I failed to post something in March but in my defense, things were on this side of crazy in the 3rd month of this year (and really, who even reads this thing still?). Now that the new school year is starting, things will hopefully become a little less insane (once I settle into a new routine/schedule).

Things have been crazy at work, as you can imagine but for the most part it wasn't a bad kind of crazy. Just busy. But the schedule will change and hopefully that will lessen the burden a bit. I'm trying to be positive here. But I have the feeling that by Saturday night I will sit here like "OH GOD I HATE IT" lol. Yeah so much for being optimistic. I guess I just can't do it.

Health wise things have been...kind of bad, I guess? I sprained my knee a few weeks ago and boy has it pulled a number on me. I can't exercise yet (can't even walk properly quite yet...stairs suck) and so I'm putting on weight ... weight I should really be losing because of my other health problems. Wheee. So you can probably imagine what all of this is doing to my mental health.

I'm scared because this is still my pre-yakudoshi year. Next year is supposed to suck. This year has been extremely terrible so far, so what will next year bring? Ahahaha.

Fandom wise I guess things are quite okay. Some ups some downs, the usual. It's nice to have both an online and offline kind of fandom life. One of the reasons why I'm hesitant to go back 'home' as my parents and sister would like me to in the not too distant future.

But that's...something to talk about on another day.


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