Happy Halloween

And happy end of Blogtober.

I pretty much failed this year, I guess. I tried but...ahaha. Better luck next time. I guess I'll just try to keep blogging whenever I can and feel like it. So expect the same pace as before, 1 blog post a month.

So yeah, Halloween 2021 is over and with it, October. It's kind of weird to think about the fact that this year will be over in about 2 months. It felt both fast and slow at the same time. Time is weird.

The picture is a set of cookies I got from a student. His wife takes lessons at that bakery. Super cute and the cookies tasted really good, too! Which is not always a given with the decorated stuff. So yay!

What really made today a happy day, though, is the fact that is was my last regular work Sunday! No more shitty kids. At least at this school. Hope the new one will be better *knocks on wood*

It feels so good. I'm so happy. I'm just gonna roll around.

Speaking of happy, one of my adult students gave me this calligraphy. She did it herself! And she chose the kanji for "fun" because she says my lessons were always fun. (I'm not crying, you're crying ;A;)

As with every school, there are some students I will definitely miss and I am sad I'm leaving them but for the first time like ever, I'm actively glad to leave a school and be done with it because despite there being positives, the negatives just outweighed the entire experience.

Not to dwell on the negatives, though, receiving this from a student was a real ray of sunshine for my heart (and my confidence). I actually didn't feel confident about this particular class at all but hearing that the students enjoyed it was just balm for my battered soul. I got presents from some of the kids' parents, too and a letter from one of my little girls (she wrote it all in English all by herself and it's amazing ;A;).

There were days when I was ready to give up this job and walk out but...I'm glad I'm hanging in there.

I never would have thought that teacher would be my calling. But I guess my own teacher back in high school was right. Blessed be his soul.


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