Is a dream a wish your heart makes?

Hello February. I've been wanting to blog again sooner but shit's been going down.

I'm sad to say that I've started 2022 in a very terrible way and I have not had a single "good" day in this year so far and it's been almost two months now. My mum told me to be positive and to think about it as "it's ONLY been two months" but still. Things have been pretty miserable.

I won't go too much into detail about that, though because there is something else I'd like to write about. It's got something to do with dreams. Or actually, one particular dream I had a the beginning of January.

I had a crazy prophetic dream the beginning of February and it's kind of ... creepy. And ever since I've had smaller episodes of being able to predict things or seeing other shorter dreams or visions of something happening and then it happened in real life.

Granted, for the past week it hasn't happened anymore so maybe whatever it was has worn off? But it was really damn weird while it lasted.

The dream just felt really weird to begin with. I've had pretty lucid dreams before but this dream felt... different? I don't know how to describe it. Other than maybe "it felt so real". Like, it felt so real that I had no idea what was dream and what was reality for a good while after I woke up. Both within the dream and then for 'real' (what is reality...). I mean, I woke up in the dream as well but I was obviously still dreaming... and then I woke up again and this time I was back here in this realm.

But I was really, really confused for a bit.

And then stuff started happening. I'd never had a sense of premonition quite that strong and I'd never felt how things were a complete déjà-vu before. Like, I'd get a 'sense' of déjà-vu but I wouldn't feel like I absolutely HAD (or was having) one.

It really felt like that scene from the 1st Matrix movie where Neo sees the cat and then sees the cat again. Like shit you just saw happening repeated itself.

Also, people you never met before actually looking like you envisioned them in your dream?

... yeah ... it's been weird.


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