happy place

Today I took half a day off to go to BANQUET's 5th Anniversary Live. And for the first time in a long time, I don't feel like complete and utter shit on a Sunday night (my kids classes today were a nightmare as per usual but let's not talk about that again).

Aside from BANQUET, it's also due to the fact that I was able to meet friends again after a long time and said friends came to BANQUET with me. I can't say it enough but thank you so much. And that goes for my other friends, too (you know who you are). You always humor me, listen to me, let me rant and rave and drag you along to things. Thank you for dealing with this me and putting up with all my shit. ILU.

I'm not going to talk about the live here because I said I won't be talking about fandom stuff on this blog (and I have my separate place for BQT related stuff). Just... I enjoyed it a lot. It felt good.

I will enjoy these few moments of rest an respite in my happy place.


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