Blogtober Take 2

It's October! And so people were saying we should have Blogtober again.

I was going to write this on October 1st but hahaha failure is me. My brain is just in no good place after work and now it's 1.35h into October 2nd. To be fair, I was planning to write a post before I saw that my trains going home were screwed and I had to take a detour, which meant that I got home extra late. Whee.

But let's not dwell on work.

I am looking forward to this October 2nd. I am meeting people today. People I haven't met in years and people I haven't been able to see for a while (over a month). It's a much needed rest and recharge day.

So...let me cheat with this entry and let it be October 1st's. And I will write another entry later to talk about October 2nd. Hopefully I will have good things to write about.


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