blessed be the autumn sports festivals

Autumn means "Undokai" (Sports Festival) season in Japan and I've never been more thankful for them ever before in my entire life. Thanks to the festivals, a lot of my kids didn't show up for the early classes today and for once, I was able to have a wonderfully peaceful Saturday. It was still work and all but it wasn't as emotionally draining as it has been up until now.

It also wasn't just me who was having a wonderful time today. I was able to bond with some of the other kids in my classes, who unfortunately don't get as much attention as they deserve usually because I am stuck dealing with...the monsters. It's awesome. And yet it's also pretty sad because I know we're going to have to go back to the 'regular f-ing chaos' for the last 2 weeks that I'm at this school. Woe is me.

One of the blergh kids is also not coming tomorrow, so I will hopefully have a more or less okay Sunday (albeit busier than usual because I have not just 1, not 2 but 3 extra classes... AND I have to protect by co-worker from this weird stalker... seriously, I don't get paid enough for this crap)

Ok, let's end this with a personal, positive note. I was helping my newbie co-worker out by taking an extra class today because they were swamped (I tell you, scheduling is 'pure genius' at this school =_=) and it was pretty fun. I hadn't taught this level of classes in a while (heck, I haven't taught adults in a while) and I just let loooooose. The students really enjoyed it, one of them actually cheered in class lol

I'm sad that business wise, the adult lessons have crashed and burned because of the pandemic because I enjoy teaching adults a whole lot (and seriously, I have had enough of so many kids... sob *burnout*)

Oops. So much for the positive note.


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