and here I thought...

And here I thought I'd be able to write something happy tonight but HA. Who am I kidding.

I don't want to rant more about work here, I've done that on the bird app already.

I guess I'll just have a sad here.

My mum is sick. It's...fingers crossed...nothing serious and she seems to be recovering. But this doesn't help the gnawing dark thoughts that I've had know. My parents and...saying goodbye.

I've been living away from them for a long time, I haven't spent a whole lot of time with them over the course of my life to be honest but...they're still people I love and hold dear and ugh I guess not being able to see them for 3 years is pulling a number on me. (I might just really need a hug right now).

Short entry today because I made myself cry thinking about this again.


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