
Showing posts from December, 2020

it is the end of 2020

It's the end of 2020. What a year. I think I'm not wrong if I say that this was a year that didn't quite go as planned for many people. A lot of things happened that nobody would have thought would ever happen...I guess? Personally, this year had quite a few ups and downs for me. But I am happy to say that it is ending on a positive note. And well, here's hoping that 2021 will be better. I'd like to say thank you to all of my friends (you) for sticking with me and for being there for me, near far (and wherever you are). I love you and I hope that I'll be able to see you again in person sometime soon. Stay safe and I wish you a Happy New Year 2021.

happy place

I don't want to say it too loud but I'm in a pretty good place right now. I know bad days will come again but I shall enjoy my life until that time comes. It's been a while since I've been in a really good place. And there have been a few moments this past week when I have been a little "mhhh" about things again but overall, things have been good. So... I finished up all of my set, long assignments for work for the year and was just hopping schools for the three days that I had to work the past week (took some time off because my boss offered me to do so and well, it's been a couple of pretty stressful weeks/months so... I took him up on the offer). I was able to meet my old HT and she was so happy to see me and gave me a hug - despite everything that's going on and the usual reserved nature of Japanese people. I was really happy ;A;  I miss her, too. Was also reunited with the only training-mate who's still left in the company lol He was one of th...

another day, another year

First things first, thank you for all the birthday wishes. Of course I'm sad that I couldn't celebrate my birthday with (m)any of you in person but it's nice to get well wishes and messages from people you love and care about. I spent half of today working and half of today with my boys. And right now I am talking to my family - after having a great dinner and cake. So, overall a good day. It's been a wild ride this year but I think, it was still a good one overall. It was also the last year of my 厄年 so hurray! Free at last ;p at least for a few years. So let's hope the next year will be better than this one. That's all I wanted to say today.  ❤️

On the first day of December Kira sent to me... "a problematic ship in a series"

Okay, indulge me. I've been wanting to rant about and review some of the stuff I've been watching and following, so since it's the countdown to my Bday, I decided to do just that on this blog. Yes, I have a fandom blog, too but that one's really specific and I will also update with stuff but I want to talk about some different fandoms and things here. Feel free to skip over these blog posts if you're not interested or if they bore you but just this, while I'll be talking about fandom stuff, I will also be talking about more general issues in these posts as the fandoms lend themselves to those. Ah, since ALL fandoms would be too much, this will focus on Japanese and Thai BL stuff mostly. Some of the series mentioned might be explicitly labelled BL, others might not. ...ugh I wanted to have this post up on December 1st (hence the title) but since life got in the way it'll be going up later. Wanted to keep the title though so again, bear with me.