happy place

I don't want to say it too loud but I'm in a pretty good place right now.

I know bad days will come again but I shall enjoy my life until that time comes. It's been a while since I've been in a really good place. And there have been a few moments this past week when I have been a little "mhhh" about things again but overall, things have been good.

So... I finished up all of my set, long assignments for work for the year and was just hopping schools for the three days that I had to work the past week (took some time off because my boss offered me to do so and well, it's been a couple of pretty stressful weeks/months so... I took him up on the offer).

I was able to meet my old HT and she was so happy to see me and gave me a hug - despite everything that's going on and the usual reserved nature of Japanese people. I was really happy ;A;  I miss her, too.

Was also reunited with the only training-mate who's still left in the company lol He was one of the only people I got along with from that crazy group. We were both glad that the other was doing well.

Next week, I will be going to a school where one of my best friends in the company works, so I'm super excited for that. I haven't seen her in forever!!

Ah, I was also able to sit down with both of my bosses last week for a chat (hadn't talked to them since the whole f-up went down and I came back in September... so almost 4 months). I received a lot of good feedback and positive words and it made me feel really good about my job and myself. It's nice to get a bit of an ego boost bu also confirmation and appreciation...acknowledgement.

I also got messages from schools and shibucho about my performance and yeah...happy place.

There are schools of course where I don't feel like I fit in as well but hey you can't fit into every single place. Sometimes it just doesn't work and then it's just, well, enduring but those places have luckily been few and far between. So knock on wood.

So yeah, work has been good for once - despite being busy but not as bad as it was a few weeks back. And on top of that I was able to meet my boys a lot. And we celebrated all of our birthdays together. There were ups and downs here, too of course bu that's life. For the most part, things have been happy for me personally. And it's great. My mental health is better than it has been in a long time.

One reason why I'm writing this down is to look back on it on a bad day. Bad days will come again without a doubt but so will good days. So self, if you are reading this on a bad day, hang in there!


  1. YAAAAAAY I'm glad that you've been having good days! You finally have a respite after the long assignments and working Sundays (and before that, the terrible assignments and inaka people's poor treatment of you) \o/

    Totally understand the feeling (/worry) about jinxing it but it's a good idea to record the good days and feel happy about it during the not-so-good days - I should do that too (instead of only blogging the shitty things :x)

    1. *HUGS*
      sorry can't think of anything more intelligent to say ._.
      love you!


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