
Today's topic isn't really interesting because it's something we're all living with these days.


Yes, the future is uncertain and all that but now more than ever. And I didn't think it would take such a toll on me but it did. So here is another word vomit about work.

Having an 'end date' didn't seem so important before but this year I really learned the value of having one. It's the end of the tunnel. I had been blessed with relatively good assignments for work and so time flew by in a flash in most cases. And it really did fly by because it's now been over a year since I started this new position and I have renewed for another year at least, so...


This year most of my assignments have been open-ended or up in the air because of the pandemic. No new teachers can come in now and of course there was an exodus of teachers when the pandemic started... even in our own ranks of emergency teachers, we lost a few good people.

Things are on fire but all things considered, not too bad.

Still, it's been a lot of work and without having a clear end in sight, things could get really tough at times. I really hope Japan will open up a little more soon to let the teachers in who still want to come. But to be honest, nobody in the company has high hopes that we will see any semblance of 'normalcy' before late next year. And even though I did sign on for another year, things have been wearing me down.

I go through phases here, too. Of liking my job and not wanting to quit and of being ready to just leave.

I really hope I'll be able to stay in the Kanto area for a bit longer still (at least until the end of the year). Right now I have an assignment until the middle of December (which requires me to work Saturdays AND Sundays... which will effectively kill all of my social life and fandom activities).

It also means I'll be working on my birthday. But... well, can't celebrate with friends in the pandemic anyway and I asked for people to donate to the crowdfunding instead of giving me birthday presents anyway, so no real need to celebrate really.

Then... there is ONE thing in December (towards the end, just before Christmas) I'm really looking forard, to and I hope to be HERE for that. Not asking for anything else this year.

But... who knows what will happen?


  1. I hope you’ll be able to stay in the Kanto area too. ;~; I can’t imagine having to move around to different areas all the time. Like I’m sure it works for some people but personally I really just can’t. I’m 100% a routines person ><

    1. I was contemplating to switch back to a regular school but... they've practically been BEGGING people to stay on as emergency teachers because we're so short staffed... might think about it again depending on how the next year goes...

  2. I really hope that you can stay in Kanto still and go for That Thing in Dec~ it already kind of sucks that you have to work on your actual birthday so going for that would at least be a consolation.


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