the power of a warm hug

Today was uneventful and yet a lot of things happened. It's kind of strange, in a good way.

I slept in (still need all the sleep and then some guh) and then puttered around just doing small stuff here and there (I accomplished laundry and some cooking!) and then wrapped my presents (desserts) that I had made for my friends, who I was going to meet later in the day.

Since I'd made extra, I decided to poke my head into one of my old schools on the way and give them a share as well and say 'hi' to some people. I wish I could go back to that school but alas. It's always nice to have hopeful 'omg are you coming back, please come baaack's' thrown at you when you go to a school. The feeling of appreciation gives me strength to move forward.

Anyway, the main thing today was going to a cafe event for one of the Thai actors I like. Incidentally, today was also the 6th Anniversary of the BL couple he is one half of.

Happy 6th Anniversary Max and Tul!

The event was held at a Thai Tea Room/Cafe in Ikebukuro called "Tokyo No.1 Sabo" (TOKYO NO.1 茶房)


Happy Birthday, Tul! I wish you all the best for the new year in your life and I hope all your dreams will come true and you will be able to move forward towards the goals you have set for yourself.

(Fun fact: see the nekkid pic in the back there? I got a poster sized version of that as a surprise present from my friend who organized the event... I kind of want to put it up but it's also... a nekkid poster XDD)

I was so glad I could go to the event (it started last Thursday). Today was the last day, so I cut it close. I'd volunteered to help with the cleanup so my time slot was also the last one in the day.

It was so much fun! I met the ladies online before and we've talked on TwitCast and Zoom and during events and stuff but meeting people IRL is still different. It was so nice and warm and welcoming and aah I miss hugs. It was so nice to get such warm hugs from people and I had a lot of fun talking to them and sharing experiences, anecdotes and whatnot. I'm really happy I was able to make friends with everyone.

In a way, this has really been the only positive things that came out of this pandemic. I was able to meet people online and get over my 'guuuh I don't want to talk to anyone' and 'my Japanese is crap nobody will want to talk to me' etc. I still feel like my Japanese is super terrible but being able to talk to more and more people like this is making me feel a little more confident. (Yuma noted that my Japanese had improved a whole lot over this past year and a half T^T aaah).

Now that events are kind of maybe allowed again, we're going to have more in the future. I look forward to them. Hanging out with friends and having fun is something I really came to miss. I am very glad that I have been able to meet people again recently and hope that it's going to be an ongoing trend.

Finally a happy entry! Go me!


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