you can't categorize me, I guess?

Another topic I thought of when I was talking to Toshi (we've been talking a lot these days because he's doing a streaming event, so he's streaming a lot).

But it's also a topic I've talked about with various people in Japan.

The "blood types = personality" thing that Japan loves so much.

So... YOUたち何型?

I am apparently the ultimate outlier when it comes to the categorizations in Japan. Let's have a look:

General personality of people who have type A blood

-- Consider things carefully -- Can understand other people’s feelings easily -- Kind -- Good at hospitality -- Don’t express themselves in order to avoid possible quarrel -- Do things carefully and steadily, and don’t take the next step if they are not satisfied -- Honor student types who don’t go off the rail -- Fastidious -- Big on cleanliness -- Can be calm even when accidents happen -- Strong on taking responsibility -- Hard workers -- Safe drivers

General personality of people who have type B blood

-- Like to go their own way -- Do what they want without considering other people’s feelings, rules and customs -- Happy-go-lucky and masters of breaking rules -- Optimistic -- Friendly and open their heart to anybody -- Not pretentious -- Afraid of being alone -- Get lonely easily -- Quick to adapt -- Flexible thinkers -- Pragmatists -- Don’t chase a dream much -- Like to play -- Love festivals and parties -- Have been in love many times -- Don’t get heart-broken over lost love

General personality of people who have type AB blood

-- Chase ideals and dreams -- Don’t have secular needs such as greed and a desire to succeed -- Have strong spirituality -- Calm and rational -- Sensitive and easily hurt -- Have a complicated personality -- Private life is important -- Don’t like interference from other people -- Have various hobbies -- Vigorous in pursuit of knowledge in wide range of fields -- Are bookworms -- Have unique ideas and are creative -- Have fairy tale-like hobbies -- Calm and frank about love relationship

General personality of people who have type O blood

-- Realistic -- Good at developing economic concepts -- Vigorous at earning a living -- Strong in face of adversity -- Romanticists -- Dream of getting rich quick, but actually take a steady approach -- Ambitious -- Go straight toward their goal -- Have leadership ability and often take care of younger people and people below them -- Very cautious -- Don’t care about small things, taking a wider perspective instead -- Devoted, but with a strong desire to monopolize

Source: Japan Today

Toshi, along with ALL other Japanese people I talk to and who get to know me, were dead set on me being A. And when I tell them they're wrong, they go on guessing and my real blood type is last 95% of the time. Nobody believes that I'm B. lol Oh and as a fun fact, O is usually their second guess.

There isn't even the slightest bit of A in me anywhere. My parents are B and O respectively.

Most people just brush it off as "these things don't apply to foreign people, huh?", which I find very amusing because even among Japanese people you have outliers.

What were your experiences with this obsession with blood types?


  1. LOL I never believed in this blood type personality thing that Japanese people are so fixated on ... I've wondered before whether they just took the most common blood type in Japan and the average (/ideal) Japanese personality and then just arbitrarily matched them like that, and so on. >_> even the Myers-Briggs personality type doesn't fully describe and individual's personality.

    But for fun - guess my blood type based on the blood type categories? XD

    Also, I snorted at the YOUたち何型? bit XDDDD

    1. lol yeah I am all "???" about it all the time because it doesn't seem to fit anyone?? XD

      errr 0? lol I am bad at this

    2. oooh you're good at it! O is correct XD;;

  2. Haha I've had this tab open for a month and a half now hi 8D;; I always think it's funny when I look at AB characteristics because that's Hide and he's pretty much nothing like an AB at all XD But I think they're just like any horoscope, right? If you lump in enough characteristics anyone can find at least one thing that makes them go "ah yes, that's me!" >_>

    1. hi XD
      yeah I think it's just like any other horoscope, too but it's the widespread belief in it that kind of sets it apart? like, you wouldn't really be discriminated against in most places for being an aries or a boar ... but with blood types there have apparently been cases of bullying (because... idk... ugh)


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