good day

Today was a good day.

That hasn't been the case for a while now. So I'm really happy about that. September was basically: 9月=苦しい (ku-gatsu = ku-rushii)... sigh

Ok a lot of stuff happened and I didn't get to finish this entry on the 2nd... I fail at this lol so forgive me for backdating it to the 2nd to make it fit. *CHEATING* ahem.

So, many things happened today:

1.) I went to my old school and met some of my old students and friends

2.) I got to see BANQUET again for a bit after not being able to see them for over a month

3.) I finally got to see a dear friend again after not seeing each other in person for almost 2 years

I'm not going to write much about 2. because I think I talk too much about fandom and stuff in other places already, so I don't want to annoy or bore you with that.

Meeting friends is great because I mean yes, you keep in touch (more or less) online and all but it's just different to meet each other face to face and talk and catch up and hear about what is going on in the other person's life. And I don't know, after not being able to see people much in person for so long, I've just really come to appreciate seeing people in the flesh? It's hard to describe.

I also appreciate the fact that so many people are bearing with me in terms of fandom and letting me introduce my fandom (my boys) to them. Thank you so much for your patience and time and friendship and love and everything. I love you ;A; <3

It's also always a great thing to know that despite being in different fandoms and life situations and all, we can still be friends and we still have things to talk about and bond over.

Going to my old school was also balm for my 'tortured soul' right now. It's just that "at home" kind of feeling. I spent many years at that school, I made friends and forged many other relationships with my students and the staff there. When I went back, I was welcomed as an old friend, as a person people were genuinely happy to see again and talk to.

I'd say you definitely know that you've left a big impression on people when they spontaneously hug you because they're happy to see you. Especially when it's Japanese adults. (I like hugs, so that made me happy, just as a disclaimer here because I know hugs aren't for everybody and right now in the times we live in they might not be a good idea but... hey).

Also as a teacher, I was so happy to see how far they've all come. Some of them reported their progress to me or came to me with worries or questions. It's nice to see that they still trust me and value my opinion. It's also great to see that they all seem well and healthy.

I shed a few tears when they said: "We hope to see you again soon!" and "We miss you!"

I miss them, too. Maybe even more so now that the school I'm at is just not... yeah. But my first school will always be special because it was my first and because it was also the one I was at the longest. I built a life there, I built my career there and yeah a lot happened while I was there. So the school, the staff and the students will always have a special place in my heart.

Aight, I gotta go to bed now because I have to get up at ass AM to go to work... luckily, it's an easy day because I have a weekend without the hell children this week so I'm going to enjoy it.


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