yeah so much for blogging regularly


I'm still alive. Kind of.

After the good final stretch of the year in 2020, 2021 kind of started as a bit of a shit show for me.

I got sick - just a cold but right now that leads into a death spiral of OMG DO I HAVE CORONA, so that was terrible for my mental health. As if that wasn't enough, going to the hospital and getting checked out just in case revealed that I might have effed up my health after all.

So I've been in and out of the clinic, getting tests done and paying a whole lot of money but hey health.

Going to have some more results and more tests at the end of the month (pretty much in exactly a week).

All in all, I kind of need to get serious about some stuff in my life now and it's... hard considering my job situation and everything, even though work is really supportive and considerate and if I really, really need to do stuff, they will try to help me so yay. Also my current assignment is pretty great so I know it's a bit shitty to hope but if things continue as they are right now, maybe I can stay in this position a bit longer. A few months might be nice. Great people, great commute, decent schedule...

To be honest, I have been tempted again to give up my current position to take up a permanent position again but then I keep telling myself that "I worked so hard to get where I am now" so... yeah. Well.


Things have been weird. Things have been chaotic. I am maybe possibly okay. Will keep you posted.


  1. :< praying for the best bb regarding your health checks... but I'm glad that at least your work situation is pretty good now and it does seem (since the incidents last year) that you're getting support and understanding <3

    1. *hugs*

      btw I still read your blog, too but I've been shit about commenting because I read it during my commute and I am not logged into blogger on my phone >_<

    2. aww thank you <3 don't worry about it, a lot of my posts have comments turned off anyway :x


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