x marks the spot

Hello. It's been a few days since the last blog update and while I wish I could blog more often, RL has been a bit ... it has been a bit.

I know people might not want to read about this - as things are still up in the air and shit is definitely going down and I hope all my friends and family in the United States of Anxiety stay safe and healthy - but let me talk about...things. Yeah I am going to be abusing the three dots a lot.

I vividly remember the last time 4 years ago now. It was another day at work and J and I started it off earlier than usual because we had to go to a promo activity on a uni campus.

Things were still okay then. More or less. But as the day progressed, things started to look ... bad.

I'd never seen J in distress before (and I would only do so once more during our time together on the job). But as every so often, the two of us tried to prop each other up, help each other out and cheer each other up. Also the lovely people we used to work with back then were understanding and awesome about it.

So we all kinda drowned our sorrows in alcohol. I shall not disclose the time here *cough*

J and I still talk now - we were more than just co-workers, we became really good friends and man I miss him sometimes - and hey, doom and gloom is easier to deal with when you share it with someone else.

That said, I talked to one of my current co-workers as well and we're trying to be positive about things, too. Although, yeah, it's been stressful with all of this and then work going on, too and oh hey, a global pandemic as well, which people seem to have kind of forgotten...

Ah said co-worker came out to me as we talked - I am honored that people trust me enough to do that really, already the 2nd person to do so - and... I think they were surprised at how un-surprised I was. lol

I'm just here like "should I be surprised? or react in any kind of special way? isn't this normal?" and... I hope I didn't offend them because yes, I know it's a big deal and all but I feel like normalizing it should be... what we should be doing? Like... idk... that's just how I think.

I said it before but I think that homosexuality or any kind of sexuality, should be just that. A thing. Nothing special. Nothing 'abnormal'. Just, a thing. And that's the tea.

Okay I'm drifting off here. Which means I should stop.

Read you later!


  1. I personally think it's less offensive to be like, oh GASP I'M SO SURPRISED in response to someone coming out, because making it a big deal is what would make coming out such a challenge to begin with. but I guess because being able to come out and say it is so difficult, maybe to some people when they don't get a correspondingly large reaction to it, they feel deflated? idk. but I think it's great that people feel comfortable around you to share this with you :)

    1. yeah I'm horrid at judging whether a person wants "a reaction" or anything at all most of the time so ^^; it can be difficult. so yeah totally agree with you but I think we're pretty similar when it comes to these things? *hugs* which makes talking to you so easy and awesome ;3; <3


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