meme me meh

I started this on twitter but since I was asked to answer all of these questions, I figured I'd just do it here instead of clogging up everybody's TL again.

So, here goes.

First entry of November. Can't believe 2020 will be over in 2 months...


1. Who was your last text from:
my cc company to verify my usage? lol otherwise my sister poking me to facetime

2. Who was your last call from:
the PCR testing place I went to >>;

3. What is your worst habit:
talking too much

4. How many people have you dated:
blurf... 2-3? not many... also never anything too serious

5. What is your favourite TV series:
idk if I really have an all time fav... I have a lot of infatuations lol but maybe just maybe Prince of Tennis if that counts XD?

6. What's the last song you listened to:
BANQUET's cover of "Entotsu no Machi no Poupelle" (you can listen to it HERE)

7. Do you want to get married:
bwwwrtttttt honestly I don't really care? lol

8. Does talking about sex make your uncomfortable:
lol nope not really?

9. Would you ever share a bath with someone:
have done it and would do it again, onsen wohoo! also I am German so naked sauna or baths are part of the culture lol mixed baths/saunas!

10. What is your favourite animal:
rabbit... lol

11. Would you ever smoke weed:
no. though I have smelled it before, having studied and lived in NL... not inhaled or anything because my lungs probably wouldn't be able to stand that

12. What's your favourite way to wear your hair in:
in the bloody explosion that is its natural state? lol mh honestly, hidden under a hat. I don't have a lot of hair, so I don' really know or like to do anything with it...

13. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with:
my friend, who used to be my co-worker.

14. What are your favourite bands/singers:

15. What's your relationship status:
Forever Alone I mean, single

16. What's your sexuality:
Bisexual, I think? There are so many types of sexuality these days I have NO CLUE ANYMORE

17. What are your initials (including middle names):
K A T T U N... just kidding, KTT

18. Who is the last person you kissed:
Who WAS the last person I kissed? Might have been one of my family members as I kissed them good bye before leaving for Japan again so... yeah would love to do so again.

19. Who is the most attractive celeb:
I am biased... so while I do not like him because of his looks, I do like his looks... so YUMA

20. Do you/Would you ever drink alcohol:
Yeah but I don't drink often anymore because of health reasons...

21. What makes you happy:
Being with friends, getting gratitude and recognition from students or co-workers, being with my boys, being with my family... or just talking to aforementioned groups of people? Otherwise food...?

22. What are you like when you're drunk:
Maybe a tad sillier than usual if I'm with others... otherwise not any different from usual me.

23. Would you rather live without music or TV:
TV... I still don't own a TV

24. Do you like people playing with your hair:
I guess? idk it depends

25. What things do you find attractive in someone:
Being supportive, reliable and idk how to describe it but I guess whatever people mean when they say that two people have 'chemistry'?

26. Would you kiss someone of the opposite gender:
Sure. Would also kiss someone of the same gender...?

27. Do you find silences awkward when you are with other people:
Depends on the silence?

28. How long did your last relationship last:
bluuuuh.... I honestly don't remember

29. Would you ever become a vegetarian:
Probably not ^^;?

30. Do you think aliens exist:
Kinda yeah

31. How many people have you kissed:
... if we count family, I have no clue lol... and if we don't count family... eeeh a handful lol

32. What is your favourite school subject:
(GER school) English, Geography ; (NZ school) Drama, Web Design ; (ENG school) English Literature ; (JP school) Home Ec, English Conversation, Music

33. Do you have a lot of friends:
I wouldn't say a lot? At least of very close friends. Although how many is considered a lot?

34. Where in the world would you like to visit:
Many places... can't choose :x

35. Do you have trust issues:
I kinda do, yes

36. What's your favourite season:

37. Would you ever have kids:
...nah... well... yeah probably no...

38. Twitter or Facebook:

39. Do you still speak to your first crush:

40. Do you believe in luck/miracles:


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