sleep is for the weak(end)

On my first day of university orientation, the professor laid out a schedule and during his presentation he said "as you can see sleep is for the weak...end [weekend]" and yoo.... uni. lol

Really random and short entry for today but I'd be interested in hearing your stories about, well, sleep. I talk to my students a lot and especially in Japan, I always feel like people sleep way too little. Like, I can run on 4-5 hours of sleep. But I won't be very uh let's say functional. And I can't do it for an extended period of time or my health will just go down the drain.

However it's the average amount of time most of my students here sleep. Do Japanese people sleep more deeply somehow? And is being able to fall asleep anywhere and anytime a genetic thing? lol 

How long do you need to sleep?

I personally like to get 6-8 hours. 6 hours are the bare minimum and as of late it's the longest time my body will LET me sleep without waking up. If I can I will go back to bed for another 1-2 hours after and doze. That's become my work day routine. On weekends I sleep in longer but I can't sleep for extended periods of time in one go (unless I am legit exhausted) so I usually get up and do something before I go back to bed or take a nap later in the day.

The worst thing is though, when I wake up during the week after just a few hours of sleep, my body is always like 'omg need more sleep' but then on weekends I might wake up after even SHORTER hours of sleep and my body will be like 'wheee! let's get up!! this is awesome!' and like... is it all psychology? It can't be right because my brain says it wants to sleep more.

Bodies are weird lol


  1. ahahahahahahahahahaha

    I desperately want at least 8 hours of sleep, it sounds like a dream (pun not intended... or was it) 😅 Right now I feel like I could sleep a full 24! And Nanami is even a (comparatively) REALLY GOOD sleeper for a baby not even 6 months old. But in my previous life, before I became a mum, I still preferred to get at least 7.5 hours a night if possible.

    1. to sleep, perchance to dream...

      yeah getting enough sleep seems like such a luxury right now over here as well ^^;
      hope you can get some proper sleep and rest soon ;3;
      Nanami sounds like such a good baby!! I hope I'll be able to meet her (and you and Hide and Sky and Holly the Hoppy Bunny) sometime in the not too distant future ;3;

  2. Sometimes I feel like I get even less sleep on the weekends because there's alllll the things to do that was just pushed back on weekdays lol :X

    I can't imagine how these Japanese students survive on so little sleep, but I guess that's how they're trained to sleep so little when working as a 会社員 >x>

    In recent years I feel like my body refuses to sleep more than 8hrs of sleep, but I'm always tired regardless of how many hours I sleep anyway -_-

    1. ugh yeah lol but I cannot be bothered on weekends usually because I'm so tired and then more stuff gets pushed back and... vicious cycle

      yeah that's why so many people 過労死 I swear... lack of sleep is bad for you

      I feel you. my inner clock wakes me up ~_~ and... my default mode is sleepy...


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