
Pondering. Not to be mistaken with Pon-de-Ringu, which I do like to eat.


Sorry, I've kinda flipped my weird switch at some point today. I blame it on work. And I guess work will be what I'll be talking about in this blog entry.

Luckily - considering that the borders are still closed - I've been meeting and training quite a few new teachers recently. And to be honest, I feel really blessed with the lots I've been drawing for the most part. 99% of the teachers I meet and spend a week with, I leave at their schools with a good feeling. A feeling of 'they'll be okay'. But there are also ones I leave at their schools and I can just send silent prayers.

Since the situation is what it is, things have changed a lot regarding human resources and all that and while I don't agree with some of the changes, I can see why they are necessary right now.

Which doesn't make my job easier >>;

I really hope the borders will open again soon for those who want to come in for work. I really do.

On a similar note, after talking to my friend the other day, I've been pondering something that I'd been thinking about maybe once or twice - because schools keep begging me to stay: going back to being a branch school teacher, which means, to stay at one location only.

Maybe it's the pandemic talking and all that (see the 'uncertainty' post).

But overall, even though it does seem tempting to go back to a more regular schedule and a routine, I still think that staying in my current position is for the best. Even though it does clash with things at times, in the long run, I feel like it will get me closer to where I want to be? Not that I REALLY have a goal but ... maybe that'll be a story for another blog post. It's too early to put it out there.


  1. Looking forward to the blog entry and hearing more about your long term goal and which direction you wanna strive towards (kind of like a sequel to the post that you talked about the jobs that you did before XD)

    1. lol to be honest I don't know whether there will be something like that any time soon because I really have no idea where things might be going in the near future... but we'll see


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