Okay, I give in, here's a blog - Kira Life Update

Okay, so Blogtober 2.0, if you will? Or if I'm allowed to do that lol

I noticed that blogging about fandom related stuff only is hard and maybe not all that interesting for people, so I decided to make a more personal blog after all. And after interacting with Pippa on her blog, I found that THAT was what I do miss from LJ and so yeah, here goes.

This first entry is an update on what's been happening in my life - in a nutshell.

For the future, prepare for a bunch of random stuff, rants and what not.

I will most likely be talking about:

  • life and work
  • fandom stuff
  • stuff that is on my mind
  • living in Japan
  • food

More specific fandom stuff will still be on the other blog but fandoms not covered by that (yeah yeah I have too many fandoms, I know) will be on this one.

To be honest, I know that fandom is taking up a lot of my life right now, apart from work and I know I won't shut up about it (and I'm sorry for that, I know it's a bad habit). But there is more to my life aside from fandom and I do want to talk about it and sometimes, I do just need to get things off my soul and putting it into words is the best way of doing that for me right now. I think.

Anyway, life.

Fandom related turning points aside, it's been... yeah I don't even know how to summarize it.

Some of you might know that I changed job positions last year, going from being at a single school to going to multiple school across basically the whole country. I was sent to the middle of nowhere in Ibaraki, where I was plagued by singing/loudly video calling/fighting Chinese neighbours, was then sent into the snowy exile of Hokkaido - made worse by the start of the pandemic, came back into 'work from home' life for a while and then got sent up to Sendai where I was received by pitchfork wielding villagers.

The latter is a slight understatement but yeah, going up to the northern part of Honshu was not fun at all. I won't go into detail here but the whole thing ended in me having a mental breakdown and subsequently getting physically ill as well, which resulted in a PCR test and isolation. The PCR test was negative and my company decided to call me back home and let me rest and recuperate for a bit. My bank account is unhappy but my mental health improved dramatically in that time. So, I guess it's okay. Between money and mental health, money is definitely the problem that is easier to solve.

Now that some time has passed I can look back on it as a learning experience but back when I was in the middle of it, it was a black hole that was threatening to swallow me up. I blame it all on the pandemic and the subsequent reactions to it by various people because I think that under normal circumstances, I would not have had the same problems (all the problems were related to the virus...) and really, it's a shame.

But. What can we do. We have no choice but to live in the here and now.

I still like my job and I signed on for another year or more recently. I think my company took great care of me in this whole thing and really, I do like what I do. And going back to work showed that it did indeed not have anything to do with work because I am still happy.

That doesn't mean that things are always easy but on the whole, I'm doing well. And I hope you, my friends, are doing well, too. ❤️


  1. <3 I'm glad you're much better now. Definitely with you on "money is definitely the problem that is easier to solve" line.

    1. thank you for replying to my posts, both here and the other blog, Tiff <3 ILU

  2. I'd completely missed what had happened in Sendai?! I'd like to hear more about that when you have the time/inclination/mental space, but no pressure or rush. I agree though, the social interaction side of blogging/journaling is DEFINITELY what I'd missed the most (and is probably why a lot of those blogging alternative sites never really took off - you need everyone to go en masse and no matter what you do people will always drop off along the way). I'm glad to have a real-life-things blog to follow *hugs*

    1. I've talked about the Sendai thing with a few people, so I can do that in private somewhere? idk if you'd prefer twitter DMs or whatever? email? let me know :) I don't want to put that one out in the open because it contains a lot of work related stuff, too which I'd rather not have out in public ^^;

      yeah if the community doesn't move there is almost no point in moving on :/
      I'm glad you started blogtober because it's been really good so far!! hope we can keep it up


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