JE Journey

Here comes the ultimate party pooper post.

It came up in a conversation and so I went back down memory lane.

My Journey through Johnny's... I'd like to say but I think this post will focus a bit more on why I left.

That isn't to say that I left completely, I still enjoy watching some stuff with Snow Man in it and I still talk to people about JE and all and still write fic but I am not in it as much as I used to be anymore and I no longer consider myself a real fan.

I thought about talking about this when Yuma watched Snow Man youtube videos the other day and I commented on how weird it was to see your current oshi watch your past oshi lol...

So yeah, when did I start to fall out of fandom? I can't quite remember anymore but I think it was the year when Singapore happened. It might sound weird, considering how much I loved the trip to Singapore and all but that was probably when it really started to go down.

Even now, I consider Singapore the highlight and height of my Snow Man fan career and everything that came after was just 'the way down'.

It all started with management decisions (which we can't really do anything about), then the explosively growing fandom and then simply boiled down to money. Getting tickets to things just wasn't possible anymore and it just took a lot of fun out of things. It was the same with Kisumai fandom before or...yeah.

Also fandom had become more like a chore than something I enjoyed doing. Now that there are no obligations anymore, it's easier and more fun to enjoy things again.

All that said, I owe a lot to the JE fandom. I met some of my best friends and some of the nicest people I know through this fandom. We've all moved on in our own ways, some still in the fandom, some not, but despite that, we are still friends and we can still get together and have fun (well in theory, we can't actually get together much these days... sigh).

I was going to say more here but maybe I'll leave that for another day. As I wrote this, I noticed that there might be more to talk about here and I'd like to do that in peace and when I have time... sometime. If people would be interested in it that is.


  1. aww those times during Kabuki SG were really insanely busy but so fun to have had you guys hereeee <3

    and I totally understand how you felt about fandom... it's not been as crazy with Traja but there's similar trends (insanely expensive, too large fandom for my comfort, etc) and I felt somewhat like that in Kisumai fandom too. :/ but as long as you are able to enjoy stuff at your own pace and without burden, that's the most important.

    1. SG was so much fun!!
      T^T thanks again for helping out and well for hanging out!! *loves*

      yea... I fell out of You&J and then Kisumai because things were getting too crazy and then Snow Man just went gaga as well... (I feel ill just thinking about how much I paid for Crea tickets now... ahahaha)

      *hides in tiny fandom*

    2. I try not to think about how much money I pay to see Traja too >_> but I think that the experience of seeing them for those shows are still good, even if the money was insane... just retain the positives out of that and forget the negatives <3


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