good bye, thank you


It's something I feel a lot of the time when I leave a school to move on to the next one.

Usually I don't bond THAT much with students because I'm not at a school long enough to really do so... or so I thought but sometimes it's amazing how fast you connect with someone else.

This time it was quite special, compared to other schools because this school is very close to my original school, where I stayed for many years. So some of the students recognized/remembered me. It was really honored that they all seemed to remember me fondly and they all seemed happy to have me around, to be my students. It warmed my heart. T^T

I was so touched when a student gave me a good bye present today. Aaaah aldsjdklasjd I've only known her for like 3 weeks? But she said she loved my lessons and she heard so many good things about me from other students, too so she wanted to give me a little something. ;A;

Another student wanted to take a picture with me. Also only known her for like 3 weeks (aka 3 lessons).

One of the kids drew me a picture with "ME" and "KIRA-SENSEI" written on it and gave me a hug ;A;

Then yet another student, who transferred to this school from my old school, came up to me and said that she hopes to meet me again someday, somewhere.

Aaah... I feel so blessed T^T

Short entry today. Good night!


  1. Aww Kira sensei :3 I’m glad your students appreciate you! I wanna be taught by Kira sensei too heh


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