fashion disaster

This entry was inspired by what Toshi and I talked about recently (aka earlier).


As an artist, he's expected to be fashionable and all right? And I think he is. Although he doesn't really think of himself as fashionable. I usually think young Japanese people are really fashionable and very conscious of brands and all that. And well, appearances... make up, hair styling, etc.

I do none of that and I... don't really care? lol

So yeah I just offhandedly told him "I'm sorry I always wear lame clothes lol" and he got all serious and went "ne, Kira, why do you say that?" He said he doesn't give a damn and that being comfortable should come 1st. And that I look good. Toshi was kind of pouting then and a bit mad at me for talking myself down - even though it wasn't done in all seriousness on my part.

Seeing him like that... was kind of nice. He has those moments where he finds words to say that go straight to my heart. It was the nicest thing someone's told me in a while. Especially about how I dress/look. I mean yeah this might partially be his job but... Toshi is pretty honest about things.

Toshi basically said something Yuma said, too. A relationship is a two-way street. I as one of their Cheers (fans) support them and they will support me, too. It's kind of nice to really experience this mutual kind of support. Like beyond what they do on stage etc.

Another time, before the yukata events, Toshi was also talking about what kind of yukata he was thinking we would be wearing to the event. Like, he was trying to picture us in a yukata that would fit us in his mind. At that point he'd seen me IRL maybe twice and online twice. And online, you really don't see much of what I wear because my camera is kinda high up.

He said he thinks that I would be wearing a black and red yukata, something 'cool, classy and elegant' (he'd never seen me wear red at that point, though I do own quite a few wine red clothes). I was really surprised he had such an image of me despite not having seen much of me IRL yet.

Anyway, back to 'fashion'.

What is fashion to you? What kind of clothes do you choose? Do you care? Do appearances matter? Does your work require you to have a certain appearance? (our company dress code was updated... blerf)

My wardrobe has changed ever since I moved to Japan. I kind of felt like I had to change it a bit because I just felt too mismatched when I was out and about in my 'German' clothes ... ? My sister mentioned it, too when she came to visit. That people just look different here than back home.

... thoughts?


  1. Aww I’m happy that you feel better from his words :3 I really liked your yukata too~ you looked cute in it <3

    When I’m in Japan, I feel a lot of pressure to blend in and conform in my dressing. It was a lot more apparent in the office when I was working there of course (given Japanese companies’ strictness about dress code etc), but even when I’m there on holiday, I try to dress like them. I guess it’s because appearances are important to me, and I don’t want to be different in a bad way and get negative attention. Probably also because I look like a local so I feel the pressure to conform.

    Even though I don’t work in a Japanese company now, I feel like I need to dress “appropriately” for business meetings etc, which was very different from my tech company coworkers >_> it took a lot of courage to be comfortable despite sticking out like a sore thumb...

    1. "I look like a local so I feel the pressure to conform. "

      Man that so hard... I feel you. Also feel the business vs tech thing. I remember going to a job fair at the uni in my hometown which is tech/engineering/science and I was the only idiot in a business suit...

      my wardrobe has changed a lot since moved here...


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